Sunday 16 May 2010

E-commerce in the middle east

Whilst E-Commerce is spreading world-wide, many Muslims are wondering whether this new form of commerce is acceptable from the Syariah (Islamic Law) point of view.

Based on the fact that, Islam accords a paramount importance to the Trading sector as a major source of wealth and gale force wheel of the economy. In this respect, the holy Quran abounds with many references to the trade and commercial activities. For example, the Quranic ayats that support this statement are:

‘‘Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)]’’ (83:1).,

It is clear that Quran (Holy book) not only permitted but also encouraged the Muslims to engage in an honest and mutually beneficial trade. Related to commerce, Quran revealed two prerequisite for the validity of any given transaction; namely, permissibility and harmlessness.

Religion is most of the time a class of values and customs, Islam as we saw encourage muslims to be very honest with each other when making trade transactions, so, with this premise, E-commerce should be the next step to the commercial aspects of muslim countries.

The problem of E-commerce, is, most of the time, TRUST, we, as Colombians don´t by via Mercadolibre because we think they are going to steal from us, and that was I think the fear of people from the middle east, but if they really trust their religion and their holy book, they should know that e-commerce is the new trend, and its here to stay, nowadays the internet has become a tool so handy that we are using it for everything, to have relationships, to buy, to read, to watch TV, to listen to music, for everything, so if they want to be in the technology wave and don´t want to be behind because that could affect their economy they should jump on board in the e-commerce ship knowing that far from being a bad thing it could increase and better their economy and could make the life way easier.


E-Commerce from an Islamic perspective, 2004
Norazlina Zainul *, Fauziah Osman, Siti Hartini Mazlan (retrieved May 16th 2010)

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