Thursday 4 March 2010

Immigrants Vs. Expatriates

According to the Oxford Dictionary an immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country[1] and an expatriate is a person who lives outside their native country.[2]

An immigrant is someone who intends to reside permanently, and not a casual visitor or traveler. Immigration means “in-migration” into a country, and is the reverse of emigration “out-migration.”

An expatriate (in abbreviated form expat) is someone temporarily or permanently in a country and culture other than that of their upbringing and/or legal residence. The word comes from the Latin ex (out of) and patria (country), and is sometimes misspelled as ex-patriot, due to its pronunciation.

The difference between an expatriate and an immigrant is that immigrants commit themselves to becoming a part of their country of residence, whereas expatriates see themselves, and are perceived, as living in a foreign land.[3]

So, and immigrant is someone who is willing to blend in the new culture, the new country, who wants to belong to the new place he or she is living, and expatriate is someone that sometimes was obligated to move because of violence or dangerousness of his or her live and is not happy to live in this new place and won't feel like she or he belongs to this new place.

3. Dutch Pinay; (March 16th 2006) the difference between and expatriate and an immigrant.

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